islenska 06.07.06 ______Here Comes MICKEY`!
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Monday, July 28, 2008

Hahas~ Can't imagine I looked like freak yesterday.. =X
I'm visiting the website.. My ambition..

Medical/Laboratory Technologist

You will perform laboratory tests, assist in preparing various types of media as well as receive and process specimens.

Bachelor or Diploma in Life Sciences / Biomedical Sciences / Medical Technology

Research Assistants

The Department of Clinical Research promotes and supports basic laboratory-based research within Singapore General Hospital, collaborating and working closely with clinicians from various sub-specialities.

You will be involved in research projects related to molecular genetics and molecular therapy. Your duties will include cell culture work and various molecular techniques, such as RT-PCR and Real-time PCR.

  • Science Degree or equivalent, majoring in Cell & Molecular Biology, Biochemistry or Biological Sciences, with some research experience.

Service Registrar (Anaesthesia & Surgical Intensive Care)

Candidate must possess basic Medical Degree and relevant post-graduate qualification.In addition, he/she must have at least 5 years’ post-housemanship experience.

The successful candidate can expect a competitive and attractive remuneration package depending on experience and grade of appointment. In addition, we offer a comprehensive benefits package that includes:

· 2 - 3 years renewable contract with relocation expenses

· 24 working days annual vacation leave

· Subsidised medical/hospitalisation benefits

· Conference leave

· Housing Subsidy

This is roughly the job I'm interested in..

Hees. Cool, isn't it. Degree.. Zzzz.. That's a little hard.

Well.. Still pending.

Who knows if I wish to switch my career the next time. =P

Degree aww..

Never mind! If there is a will, there is a way.

Lols. Let me tell you about the week before bas.

The concert I watched with my juniors..

It was in Tampines Junior College.

It was solely dance concert..according to my memory.

I was late.

Mrs Ng was furious. Some students didn't handed up what she wants.

That includes me, I don't deny.

Then, Miss Kong took us away from the class to art room.

I did some art work and get back to work. =)

Then it was late.. I was unable to reach on time.

Well, at least I didn't miss Winnie's concert. =)

We cheered for her of course..

Siyu was there performing too. =D

I didn't expect many Nan Chiau ex-students to attend.

I saw many of them.

Yi Gin, Ambrose, Yong yi.. and more.

Aloysius, Koon Heng, Joanna and some other current students of Nan Chiau came too..

I also saw Manshan..! And other Meridian Junior College students.

Aww.. Winnie injured her foot while dancing on the stage. So sotong..

Made my heart breaks..

We took some pictures of course.

That was after the performance.

I really enjoyed the show, the dance were great.

Oh by the way, juniors were crazy about the guitarist of the band. =D

We saw him walking up the overhead bridge.

And they called out, "Guitarist!"

To my surprise, he turned and looked at us.

Woah, at that moment, I saw his look. Really handsome.

Their hearts jumped out la~

But have to admit.. Me too.. Shy le. XP

Got home.

Last friday too.

I went for Roland gorgor's concert.

He was performing handbell.

GOSH~! It was melodious~~!!

I love handbell!!!

I took MRT there and dropped off at bugis.

I walked and overshot the road.. to... ERP.. LOLS...

Passed Chimes, Carlton and Esplanade. From Bugis to Esplanade further.

Presumed place..-- "going to Nicoll Highway"

What the.. I walked 1 hours plus.. Lols.. Lost my way.

Just because I forgot my map. ='(

Well, I found my way there in the end.

I was the helper.

Well, this is the very first time I tear the tickets and direct people who are attending concerts.

That's so so cool.

And of course. I was also assigned to make sure there isn't any problem.

Cool. Well, there was this instructor's baby, who got interested in my tag.

The tag that identify me as "Staff".

She's so adorable~!

She made noise... Opps.. And I had to bring her mother and her out.

Lols. She's so adorable~!! I want to hug her.

Ya.. Subsequently, I went in to watch the concert too.

I seemed to have a lot of priviledges.

To walk about and more. Cool~

Yeah.. Handbell has a long history.. 1919s..

Cool.. And first used was to remind people to have meals.. T.T

And now, an instrument that has a range of size that is as small as 3 fingers to a big flower pot.


I love handbells~!

It sound perfect!

After the concert, there was a feedback and "Ask and answer session"

The baby was back!

Everyone's attention on her.

Cos' she kept calling out "PAPA"

His father is a famous and one of the main lead instructors.

He has a degree for handbells. Well, don't remember which degree he has reached. Lols.

But it was remarkable~!

He is a Hong Konger, his wife is a Taiwanese.

Baby so cute~!

Anyway, after the whole session, I help to do surveys among the audiences.

Last, Roland gorgor see me home and taught me a little about drum.

He is an instructor too~ =D

Before that, he fetch Hazy jiejie and got me my dinner.. T.T

Touched!! Promise!! After my Os, I treat him 2 meals!

Thank you!!!

I enjoyed the concert!

Last sunday.


Oopps. My mum found out that I have been going jamming quite often. Heh..

She had kind of warned me about consciousness in my work.

Well, that's my fault. I had to know my limit.

She saw the drum sticks..

OH! I versus Blake about timing to go Jamming~

GLADLY, I reached on time.

Then, Blake was late~!

He was locked out.. By me. Heh..

He said he would only be 30 seconds late. But was 10 to 15 minutes late.

So as a punishment. Opps.

I practiced my drum hard..

And Improved!!!

But.. I didn't practice my vocal. Heh..

So.. Deteriorate.. GOMEN!!!

I will practice hard de!! =D

Oh.. And new beat.. That's cool~

Blake and I played "Sha shou". by JJ..

Cool!!! I feel so so so cool~~!!

I can play a song~!!!

Like to tease Blake so so much~~

HAHAs.. Cos' he likes to "tu" his mouth..

I mimic his move for playing keyboard.

Then we did the same ending move.

Bad Blake.. He snatch the drum sticks that Jason lent to me.. T-T

Lols.. Cos' I don't let him play drum.. Sobs..

I wish Jason was here..

Then he will help me~!!


Well, Blake played quite well..

And made me miss Jason..

Jason used to sit at the corner and play any music that band would play..


Blake shook me awake..

Well.. Playing with Blake is so so fun.. Hahas.

Nice to tease at, play with and his actions were so funny.

I will miss Blake as much as I miss Jason when he leaves too..

So do Jerrome.. He is my opposition~!

Everything, he'll sing whatever opposite to me..

He's going NS soon too.. Aww..

No one to play with me le.. ='(

Everyone, be back soon okay?

I don't want to be alone..

Heng yu came too~!!! That super quiet guy..

Guitarist.. ---> He don't like to talk, don't like to be stared at.

So cute.

By the way, he insisted that he is taller than me..

My theory is, a bit!

Aww.. fun..

And after Jason's return, I may have to go away too..

For preparation of my Os.. Nothing comes in my way.

Mm.. For now, Os is most importamt.

Kks la. That's about band.

I feel a little disorganised without Jason~

Heh.. Cos' we were like playing more than practising. HAHAS..

Jason! Come back soon~ We miss you!

Thank you Jerrome too~!!

He made the band a little more organised.~ =D

Oh right.. I am off today.. "Why?" you asked?


Thanks to that Laksa huh~~

Lols. I had skin allergy and made me a monkey for the whole day!!

I was treated like a freak for the whole day.

A family walked passed me and said.. "WAA!!! What happened to her face?"

At this kind of circumstance that people are treating you like an alien, shouldn't the victim, a girl cry?

But I laughed.. Hahas..

Then when I reached home, I scare my parents.


With that current look of mine, Lols. I scare almost everyone.

Cos' after applying medication, my whole body is white.

So.. I became "white freak."

Thanks to that, I was also unable to make it for school today.

Seen a doctor.. He said, I have to find out the cause of it.

He told me that I am allergic to some food.

So I must try the food. ZZZZ!!! Crazy arhs!! I just recovered nia~

Who wants to undergo that kind of suffer again?

He said too, if it persist, I should see the doctor again and refer me to skin centre..

Siao. Means I got 2 organs problems le la?

But I must be good.

Finish the medication for a month consistently. T.T

1st scene

Well, Toilet..

I went to the toilet.. Cos' sand got into my eyes.

And my body is covered with medicine. So I can't use my hands to rub my eyes.

Went to the toilet. Then my father wanted to use it too.

It was dark and when he walked there..

He saw my white face turning and looking at him..

His face looked stunned..

And I smiled.

In the end, He found out it was me.

2nd scene

I was resting after that long torment.

Then, my sister came into the room.

She looked at me.. and turned to do her things.

Soon after that, she turned and looked.

She got a scare and jumped.

Later she told me my face was all white and my eyes were red..

So she got a fright.

SEE~~!!! Frightened my whole family. Lols.

White freak.. What an experience.

By the way, after "bleaching" I'm white.

After bathing, I'm still a little white. =P

Shall end here~!

Need to get back to work~ =)

Squeaks` @* 1:47 AM

Friday, July 25, 2008

I feel so tired.. Forced to do things I don't want to..

My brother wants his computer back..

I need to say.. There are some secrets that I would like to keep it to myself only..
That maybe only certain hears it.. Certain not..
Vice versa for people who knows me lesser or not.

I'm really sorry for being so rude..
But things that are secrets for certain people, they are secrets..
And some are only meant for some ears to hear..

How do I express myself..
Don't assume that I would say everything because I once told you everything.?
Right.. Some things I just wish to keep it for myself.
I may have told everyone except you but it doesn't mean that you are not trustworthy..

That's all I can say.. Well.. Today.. I don't have a good mood..

Jason gone for Ns..
Hais.. Band will be bored without him..
It's always Blake, Jerrome and Jason who created the atmosphere..

It's a headache.. I need rest..
Mm.. I want to say.. I love bell bell~~!!

Squeaks` @* 10:56 AM

Thursday, July 24, 2008

1. Do you have wide groups of friends?
Dance, NCHS Soaring Wings #12, ZhaBo's, NuEr, some other cliques and my band.! Haha.

2. If you’re in trouble, will your friends ‘fly’ over to help you immediately?
That's of course. I have absolute trust. I mean close friend.

3. Will you sacrifice your most precious thing for your friends?
My most precious thing can be shared! =D
Everything~! Lols.. More than willing~

4. Do you believe in Best friends, BFFs , or that everyone’s equal?
Everyone are great and special xD

5. Do you think that a straight & a woman can just be a platonic friends?
That's but of course.

6. Do you have a male friend that you can trust with almost everything?

7. Do you think that friends should tell each other everything?
Depends? Mm.. Heh.. Mostly to best friends and kins.

8. If your friends are in trouble, what will you do?
Listen and comfort. If possible, I would give suggestions.

9. In future, if your friends get married and ask you to be their best men/bridesmaid, will you agree?
Of course! Especially someone's ringing~!

10. What if your enemy calls you one day to make peace?
I'll be more than happy! =D
Absolutely welcome to~

11. What will you do to a friend whom you trust deeply, betrayed you?
Depressed. Maybe would need to take time to recover.. =/

12. If your friend snatch away your boyfriend, will you still be a friend or hate him/her completely?
Well, if my friend can do that, then take lo. Well, trusting each other is more important.
Nahs. I won't hate her. Just will smile. But none of my friends are like that! =D

13. What if there is a boy/girl that have liked your friend for quite some time, tells you that he/she needs your help to win the heart of your friend, will you help him/her?
Maybe, maybe not. Haha. Depends on how sincere and how good natured the person is. =P

14. Do your parents think that your friends are a bad influence?
Not really.

15.What will you tell your parents if they asked you to transfer school, which means losing all your closest friends?
Can my friends transfer with me too.? And hee. I'm taking my whole school along~ xD

16. If your friend organize a once in a life time party, but your family doesn’t allow you to go? Will you sulk/throw a temper/sneak out/Don’t go?
I'll be expecting a lecture and I can go le~! Cos' my mum always do that~ HOHOHO

17. How will you describe your friendship relationship with your friends?
Excellent! Some barely fine?

18. Define friendship
Going through all the hardship and laughter together and accept one another.
A friend in need is a friend indeed~
Take them as a part of your life. =D

19. Name 20 people whom you can think right now.Don’t read the questions until you named the 20 people.At the end, choose 5 people to do this.
1. Qianqian
2. Winnie
3. Jessie
4. Minmin
5. Xue
6. Hui Yu
7. Jason
8. Blake
9. Jerrome
10. Rebecca
11. Vermon
12. Aloysius
13. Shuqing
14. Jiaxian
15. Xinjie
16. Jocelyn mummy
17. Joseph
18. Angela
19. Adeline
20. Jasmine

How did you meet no. 4?
I know min when I was in primary 3! Dance too~

What will you do if you never meet no. 1?
HUH~ Cannot.. Qian's important in my life.

What if no. 9 & no. 20 dated?
Impossible. Cos Jerrome has a wife whose in number..5!

Will no. 6 & no. 17 date?
Aiyo.. That will be a shock in my life. But impossible. Huiyu so demure. Joseph so... Lols.. Funny. How can?

Describe no. 3.
Jessie: MY UNDERSTANDING AND BELOVED LAOPO~ She's absolute a sweetheart. A soft sweetie pie~

Describe no. 7.
Jason: Mature, sensible, deep thinker, a friendly and enthusiastic person. lols. A lot eh..

Do you know any of no.12’s family?
Aloysius: WAA~~ The closest family I can ever get into~! I love the family and is part of them!

What will you do if no.18 confess to you that he / she likes you?
Angela: Lols.. She confessed before? Lols. I'll accept~! Hahas. I like you too Angela~ xD

What language does no.15 speaks?
Mainly chinese and english.. Maybe Malay too?

How old is no.16?
Jocelyn mummy: 17

When is the last time you spoke to no.13?
Shuqing: KTV? I kind of miss her too.. Lols. Last month? T-T

Who is no.2 favorite band or singer?
Winnie: YES OF COURSE~! DFSQ~!!! Dong Fang Shen Qi.. Actually is.. TFXQ.. HAHAs

Would you ever date no. 4?
BUT OF COURSE~~!!! She's my beloved laopo too!! More than happy to! =D

Would you ever date no. 1?
But of course~! Lols.. She's also my beloved laopo!!! Hees.. Love her!

Is no. 19 single?
Adeline: Lols.. I think so..? Lols.. She's a mathematics professional.. =D

Would you ever be in a relationship with no.11?
Vermon: Lols.. Already is in relationship LOLS~ Siblings relationship~

School of no. 3?
Jessie: Singapore Polytechnic. Miss her..

Where does no. 6 live?
HuiYu: Hougang! =D

What is your favourite thing about no.5?
Xue: Times that she push me away when I tried to hug her. xD
And when she smile and laugh..
And when she talks.. Every way, she's sweet and lovely. =)

Have you seen no. 2 naked?
Winnie: WAAA!! What a question!! No.. But we have stayed in the same room for the night along with Jessie and Xue before~

What is no. 8’s nickname?
Blake: I'm sorry.. But.. he is DUCK, BLACK DUCK.. Hen cute hors?

Next 5 person to do the survey.
That will be..someone with blog.
Ah xue~
And blake blake~

To think that this is a mission I had to do a month ago~ HAHAS~
Sorry Qian~ Lols..
Done~!! Enjoy!!! xD

Squeaks` @* 7:24 AM

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I look sweeter like this.. =D
Changed my blogskin.

Fine. Need to do homework le~ TATA~ Update during weekends..
Friday is coming soon.. =(

Thank you Jason~ =D

Squeaks` @* 5:32 AM

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Come to think of it, my father's birthday is tomorrow.
But he is not supposed to celebrate.

I don't wish to give promises yet..
But then, I'll try to make it up to you Blake..
Buy you sweets..
Or.. other things..Cannot say.
If I say it out, then no more surprise~
Gomen ne~! Had to leave early to run errands.

What happened today was, I went for jamming..
Though it wasn't J-band playing, we watched the old band.
Then quite happy..
They sang well, performed well~! Cool~
However, gastritis acted up.. I could do nothing to get into a better mood..
Thanks to Jason's water, I was backed to normal..

New faces.!!
Dilys.. Still has Jes something?
Lols.. Sorry! I'm bad in remembering names
OH~~ Heng yu and Jie Xian..
2 more girls.. That's that~

Then, Jerrome and Xue had to go after jam.
We have to wait to travel to East Coast and celebrate with Blake~

Then, I enjoyed poking drumsticks at Jason~
Cos' he handed to me his drumsticks and told me that he is lending them to me.
He told me to practice. YES JASON!

But went there after some while, both of us gastric~
Then went to buy and go along with the crowd to celebrate Blake's birthday~
To our surprise, Blake gave his brother a ride and cycle~ LAUGH~~
That's so cute, he tried to act as if he don't know anything.. But He was spotted.
Not surprising.. So many eyes..

And stayed there for a while.. Wishing him..
She cooked for everyone..
I feel bad though.. Talk only.. Never help her out.. Gomen~! > <

After joking, thanks to JASON!!
Lols.. We took taxi..
Lols.. They kept demanding Jason to go out with them soon..
Then called out his full name.
Laugh.. So ke lian.. He kept giggling, back facing them, walking away..

We got onto a cab.
Bu hao yi si! Caused Jason to pay a lot..
Well~ So nice of him..
I wasn't able to see any accessible place for me to travel home.

Great.. Today so happy~~~!!!
Everyone's so nice..

So.. I wish it will just go on..
I really.. like band a lot..
Every week, looking forward to it..

I will miss Jason a lot~~!!!
He passed me the drum sticks. And I felt so reluctant to take it..~!!
The fact that, I don't want him to go away for 7 weeks..
Am I bad..?

Blake lehs.. Thanks.. the songs!! Me too~~ Enjoyed today a lot~
All thanks to you~~! I got even more happy.

Oh right~ Wee Ching~
I'm so sorry~~ Didn't talk to you..
Seemed to have left you out..
Next week okay? We'll talked more~!

Thanks Jerrome and Xue..~
Sorry eh.. Become light bulb~~
I will try to siam okay? Lols.

I miss you guys..

Oh right.. And the concert thing..
Can I update the next time?
Need to rest le..
I think it's 1am..
Tomorrow has school!
A sweeter dream~

Squeaks` @* 8:20 AM

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sound of Serenade.
A little melodies of sadness and happiness.
I was in sweet rain again..
On the bike, in the basketball court and dancing in the rain.

"Don't leave.."
This is what I heard from somwhere on top left corner says.
Tell me. What are you trying to imply..

I don't get it..
I dreamt of my death..
Before and after..
See cars speeding past me side.. I got a shocked..
Cos' I thought I fell.

So am I still alive?
Is this a virtual world?
I say.. I stay alive..
I still want to hear everyone's voice..
I still want to be with everyone..
So.. Don't deprive me of the beginning of my happiness.

It has nothing got to do with my current health problem..
Just.. stop appearing..

If.. I should leave one day, will anyone remember me.?
I promise~
I'll live to the fullest..
Don't take me away yet..
I still want to.. continue..

I've been good today.. I did my chores..
Well.. I just.. will update about yesterday tomorrow or something..
Sorry, I'm not well.

Squeaks` @* 9:49 AM

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Interesting question, friend.
I shall just keep your identity unrevealed.
Actually.. I don't how to answer your question. =/

Had my listening comprehension.
Gosh.. I hope I did well..

I feel very tired..
But I have to work..
Must.. Since it is the last lap.

You really made me ponder..
Do I? No. I thought.. No..

Well.. I'm always this friendly~~
I talked a lot about another person too..
Don't think too much~

Jason going army le~!
No more drum~~!!
Eh~~ Let's just hope that he can come out as often to play with us again~~

And Blake is leaving after 4 years..
It's like everything was made known when I just enter.
Quite unprepared to hear anything of anyone going away.

Sigh.. Can everyone not leave?

This unreasonable girl again.

Stella so tired.
I love the rain..
But then.. Will the rain stop?
I really enjoy the scenery..
A mixture of sadness and happiness..
That's sweet rain..

Suteki Da Ne stuck hard~
I'm so eager to get the song from Blake..
And learn drum from Jason..
Sigh.. Everything starts early, will it end early too?

This is a moment of memory that will go on~
It will be part of my best memory too~
I will cherish every moment with the band~ =D
Getting nostalgic~

Squeaks` @* 2:14 AM

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Opps. Everything stick together.
But I did what I can..
Stuck at my study table for 6 hours. Terrible..
I'm going back after an hour of consultation with Ms Adeline.

Sorry if I didn't reply any of my friend's reply.
I really had to go according to my agenda.

Need to be disciplined now.

By the way, Next jamming is on the next Sunday.. =)
But I promise.
I'll try to complete whatever I need to do before going.
Even if it takes me to sit at study table for 12 hours.

Brain dead..
Saying about that..
Are the brain cells passing the memories to the other before dying?
Why would we remember things?
Why are there some people who can't?

If I were to forget my beloved each day and die mentally before physically,
What should I be doing?
Jotting down everything that I remember of you so that it won't fails me?
What if I forget everything of anyone?
That's a very sad thing..

A moment to remember..

Need to trouble Blake.
Wonder if he could find the song for me.

Anyway.. I've been cold to Situ..
Don't know why..
Maybe.. I don't wish to get too close to him?
Maybe.. I don't wish to get into more misunderstandings?
Because.. I got a strange feeling that he mistook what I think of him?
Or.. Am I the one thinking too much..?

Don't treat me too good.
Because I won't be able to repay you.
Honestly, really don't treat me too well..

Anyway, Jamming and Studying comes first..
Studies is my priority.
An objective I have yet to achieve.

I felt bad enough to have disappoint Roland that I promised to complete my ten years series.
I did a lot today though.

I'm tired, very much.
Well, smiles..
I will try my best~
In every aspect, I will do my best..
Need to step up on my paddle to speed~

Got to go.
Need to ask teacher mathematics.

Squeaks` @* 4:51 AM

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Listening to Suteki da ne.

The wind, like a heart that swam in the accumulated words

The clouds, a voice that was shot into the holding future
The moon, a shaking heart in an unsteady mirror

The stars, gentle tears in an overflowing stream

Isn't it beautiful, to walk together in each others hands

I do so want to go,
To your city, your house, into your arms.

That heart,

held within your body

In those confusing nights

I dream

The wind, its halting words are a gentle illusion

The clouds, the broken future like a distant voice

The moon, a heart flowing in the clouded mirror

The stars, broken and swaying, like tears unable to be hidden.

Isn't it beautiful, to walk together in each others hands

I do so want to go,

To your city, your house, into your arms.

That face,

A soft touch,

Dissolving into morning,

I dream.

-This song.. I've been looking for it for ages..


Today.. We had Jamming.

Xue, Jerrome, Min, me, Jason and Blake.

That was so cool~

Start with I say.. The studio has my grandmother's home scent.

Funny? Am I?


Then we started with me..

Then I sang and ate my lunch with minmin and xue.

Waa.. They said I sang well~~! Hees.

I got the talent~~!!

I played with the drum..

Thanks to Jason, I learnt one!


I learned how to play a bit.

Next week, more training..

Then, I sang Heavenly days.

Mmm. Out of tempo though.

Soon, Blake came along~

He's keyboardist.

He likes to tuu his mouth.

And he likes to sa jiao..


And then I teased him for the whole day..

Sorry, Blake!!!

Woah~ We have good improvement at the end of the day~!

In the end, we still have our audience. Laughs.

Oh right.. I heard they say that a group came and that's Lucifer.


Oh right.. That wasn't a lot of details..

Cos' I was mischievous.

How can I let you know??

Before that I had tuition.

After that I have tuition..

And tomorrow, I'll do all the homework~!!


Blake gave me a lot of songs!! Thanks thanks Blake!!

Thanks Jason for teaching me drum~!

Thanks Jerrome for helping me buy lunch~

Thanks xue and min for coming along!! Yeah!

Thank me for not missing the session~!!!

I'm super super happy today!

A gonna be Vocalist!

More songs to practice and more songs to practice.

Before that, I need to clear all the things that I have yet to do. =)


Aww.. Tired.

But I'm soooo happy~~!!

My band rocks!!!!


Everyone Ganbatte kudasai!


Ja ne! Sayonn~!

Squeaks` @* 12:22 PM

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Forgiving to forgetting.

Whether someone's existence affect us will make us forget or not.
Especially in a relationship..
It's normal to not able to forget.
Looking into the source of breaking up,
For many, It's either they are hurt or they hurt the other party that made them cannot forget.
Guilty for some, Hurt for some, They remember it..
It became an incomplete Breakup.
For themselves.. Thus reminders, thinking of them.
This is where we have to forgive whatever one has done.
Myself or him.
When it doesn't even of something that I have to think about or need to think about anymore, I can let go..
Something like.. Total forgiveness allows one to let go in an easier way..
It is then we will regard it as a past then we can forget..
And if we don't keep thinking of the person again..
Maybe you'll remember the person's name..
Vague facial features is the thing that you might remember too and the things that both did, will be forgotten..
Whether a person choose to forget or not depends on oneself.

-A theory from my mentor.-
How to forget someone..

I'm diagnosed with a serious illness.
I dug everything out of my heart-including you..-

Is it that important?
That I loved you? ...once?
An impact that imprints a deep mark in my heart that I can't forget?

Or not willing to?
Or forced myself to?

I forgive and forget.
The things that really bothers me.
Slowly, step by step, I forgive myself and you.

Time doesn't matter.
Just the fact that i won't see you and feeling hurt at the same time..
Forgive yourself too.. =)

Now that things really comes to an end, we should see things ahead.
Our life really moved on~

Oh well, Drenched~
It rained so heavily all of a sudden.
Some bitter rain turned into my sweet rain.

I finally found my solution~

Oh right.. I got ample of work to do~
Thus, going off.

Right. Jamming this Saturday.
Next Saturday, There will be mock exam and oral examination remedial.
I'm going to miss Qian's departure.. T-T

No way!! I can't believe it..
At most, I look her up on Friday..
Sigh.. Why things arranged in this manner?
She's coming back soon and that I must know. =)

Gosh.. Lethargic..
I rest first and then back to work~

Squeaks` @* 4:18 AM

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I see death?
I see something?
I..feel something I should have.

Tell me now,
Every friend that I know, would you..remember me if I were to go to somewhere faraway and not coming back anymore?

I'm sorry..
These days.. I feel not right..
My worsening condition made me paranoid.
Pardon me.
I'm.. fine.

But.. Would I stay as your friend, a somebody who once entered your life..?
Would you still remember me?

Squeaks` @* 3:18 AM

Monday, July 7, 2008

In your dreams, when would you ever say anything.?
Between reality and dreams, that delirium girl confessed.
So.. A would-never-say fact is always buried deep down.

She naively thought that she had overcame.
But she didn't.
Escapism yet fading.
That someone still stands a very important place..

How silly..
She succumbed to the fact that heartfelt words are spoken. laid as evidence.
Admit it.. You cannot escape from it.

No wonder. Despite many tried moving her heart, she felt nothing.
You're just like a stone!

She just need some time.
So face it, accept it and forget it.

That's scary..

Never tried having to lose clear vision for more than 15mins before.
And that shivering hands.
Tell me it's all unreal..

Guess.. It has worsened..
Well, I'm seeing a doctor soon..
I'll be just fine..

Had change to use a stronger medicine finally.
I succumbed to it..utterly.

Give me more time..
Just a little more..

Lethargic in mental and physical..
Stop trying to put up front.
Falling and getting up when you can't..

Stop hurting yourself..

Squeaks` @* 7:42 AM

Sunday, July 6, 2008

These photos were taken after my family dinner at home.
Laughs* Nice?

Well.. I enjoyed a steamboat yesterday..
Today we also had steamboat.. Laughs*
Papa brought durians back.. =P

It was kind of happy.
It's been long since we have been together having a good meal together.
Except for Vermon who's overseas right now with..
We really had a nice time.
I love my family~!!

Surprising, it's almost 4am.. I'm still wide awake..
My body can't take it already, I suppose.
Cos' I'm getting dizzy.. Laughs*
Every of my friends had gone to bed. =/

Right.. Situ brought me for movies..
I feel like telling him what happened in the story.
That's because I know I've watched. =P
In the end, I kept mum..

He's quite nice..
Bought popcorns la, coke la~
Well, really not very nice to ask people to treat..
I feel bad, oh well.
I went to popular bookstore to buy what mummy had told me to buy..
But didn't had time to go Times bookshop.. T-T

Nevertheless, I'm still late.
Sorry~ This is a very bad habit too.
Caused people to be in trouble. =/
I will get rid of that bad habit~

Right~! Today I sang whole day~ Waa..
But heh.. Didn't study.
I did house chores too.
I hardly have the chance to sing with mum. =P
She is very happy today~
So does papa.

Let me share something?
Yesterday, there was this couple and their friend in the bus of double deck.
Then my sister and I sat at the back seat.

Unluckily, the boyfriend kept looking at us.. that made the girlfriend jealous.
Then the girlfriend tried to show her plus points and wants to attract the attention of people.
And she did. The entire top deck of the bus passengers were quite attentive to her behavior.
It still doesn't stop her boyfriend from looking though.

When we had to alight, those guys whistled.
Worst thing was those mean guys tried to trip my sister.
Feeling like hitting them back. So rude.
Well.. Those guys were so uncouth.

Are we bad? Well.. Sounded like I'm criticising them.. =X

I received a news.
Out of concern, I typed an sms to someone.
And a very consoling reply was he has finally found his happiness.
Cherish her. =) Hope you have a very blissful relationship.


A mirror that acted as a reflection of what one thinks.
Sees a confusion of chronic swirls.
It brings happiness, the joy.
Yet thumping heart and sound of chips.

Overcomed, thus shall share bliss, give wishes.
Still a loner shall find her way to face.
Turns after turns, swirls after swirls,
Back she was on the way to away.

No more escapism. No more fear.
A same time of burden lifted away.
Least to let you suffer.. One has to go.

Pleading Thousands of stars has came true.
Task accomplished.
I'll remember you..

The actor and actress continue..
Till that audience's gone.

Teared away..
Fear of losing her world.

Fantasy she has.
Just one moment of confirmation.
She's gone.

Let her lean on.
Least she lost herself in reality.
Live in dreams..
Better off..

Everyone shoo.
"Contaminated" life shall go.

I'll remember you.A forever true memory..
Here.. <3
I love, ma, beloved(s)

Squeaks` @* 12:11 PM

This is taken with my sister when we were having family dinner.

Fine, But not natural.

A smile.

I looked quite innocent and blur. =p

Beginning of my mischief.

So, it carefully.

Saw that? Maintain your silence.



Stopped emotional
What's with in deep thoughts.

Ooo.. My hair really got longer.
Looked like ah Beng.. T-T
Ferocious eyes?

Twist! =P
Was it a fright to be so fierce?
Boo~ No fear~

Uh huh~
My star necklace

End le~ Lone photos.
My sister and me.
I call it the rebel 17
I've gotten mischievous these days. =P
Get back~ I need to study.

Well this is every girl's prime time.
And they shines best in this period of time.

That's the best photo album I've ever taken.

Squeaks` @* 11:13 AM


Age 17. Jan baby.





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Ai No Uta - •ŸFukui Mai